25 Roses Bouquet


Beautiful and eye-catching bouquet. 25 Roses and baby’s breath wrapped in paper, with a matching bow. This arrangement does not include vase or greenery. Fresh cut flowers must be placed in a vase with water to prevent dehydration.
Available in 6 colors: Red, white, pink, yellow, hot pink, lavender.
Blue and Black not available in this item.
Two-color not available in this size.

Please select the color of your preference with the boxes below.


SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 6662


Beautiful and eye-catching bouquet. 25 Roses and baby’s breath wrapped in paper, with a matching bow. This arrangement does not include vase or greenery. Fresh cut flowers must be placed in a vase with water to prevent dehydration.
Available in 6 colors: Red, white, pink, yellow, hot pink, lavender.
Blue and Black not available in this item.
Two-color not available in this size.

Please select the color of your preference with the boxes below.


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