100 Roses Bouquet


Beautiful and eye-catching rose bouquet. Roses are wrapped in paper, in a round style. This product does not include a vase.

Available in 6 colors, please choose by color. Two-color bouquet is also available for this size, please choose main color and type the other color in the special instruction box. Blue and Black NOT available for this item.

Flowers are fresh cut, they must be placed in a vase with water as soon as it’s delivered to prevent dehydration.

SKU: N/A Categories: , , Tag: Product ID: 6652


Beautiful and eye-catching rose bouquet. Roses are wrapped in paper, in a round style. This product does not include a vase.

Available in 6 colors, please choose by color. Two-color bouquet is also available for this size, please choose main color and type the other color in the special instruction box. Blue and Black NOT available for this item.

Flowers are fresh cut, they must be placed in a vase with water as soon as it’s delivered to prevent dehydration.

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