Enchanting Elegance Bouquet


Featuring delicate lavender roses, enchanting purple lisianthus, soft lavender purple waxflower and stock, and white alstroemeria, greenery and matching blooms.
Wrapped in elegant paper and tied with a satin ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for conveying grace, admiration, and serenity.
This product does not include vase.
Picture is a PREMIUM.
SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 6689


Featuring delicate lavender roses, enchanting purple lisianthus, soft lavender purple waxflower and stock, and white alstroemeria, greenery and matching blooms.
Wrapped in elegant paper and tied with a satin ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for conveying grace, admiration, and serenity.
This product does not include vase.

Picture is a PREMIUM.

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